Thursday, July 15th
Today, the 3rd and 6th graders had a fun, combined presentation class to present what they learned this semester.
This month, the 6th graders have been learning about different countries around the world! To conclude the semester, they created their own poster presentations to give an interesting, fun guide on three countries of their interest! From Australia to Singapore and finally Morocco, our students showed us wonderful foods we can eat, places we can go, animals we can see, and more. They even had the chance to present to their fellow elementary schoolers and some of the teachers as well.
In the 3rd grade class, our student gave her English self-introduction. A girl with a sweet tooth, she presented a color she likes, some foods she likes (such as ice-cream) and dislikes, and a sport too. A first English presentation in the books and done very well.
Everyone had the chance to learn a little more about each other, while giving lovely presentations. Great job! Now, onward towards summer vacation!
7月15日 (木)
みんなお互いについて学びながら、素敵な発表ができました。Great Job! ここから夏休みに向けて頑張りましょう!