くちっこ園との交流(January 26th)


 3・4年生は,紙芝居の読み聞かせ, いすとりゲーム,お店屋さんごっこなどを行いました。紙芝居は,Yさんが好きな恐竜の話を選び,読む順番を決めたり,ゆっくり読む練習をしたりと自分たちで一生懸命準備をしていました。Yさんがとても喜んでくれ, 嬉しそうな3・4年生でした。これからもくちっこさんとたくさん交流をしていきたいです。

Today, our some of our elementary school students visited the island's preschool. For our second grader's visit, the students made demon masks together for 'Setsubun'. It was the first time our second grader went inside the preschool, so they were a little nervous at first, but with the help of the preschoolers, they were able to enjoy mask making together.

As for the third and fourth graders' visit, they read stories, played musical chairs, and did play pretend shopping with the preschoolers. For the story, one of the preschoolers chose a dinosaur story book, then after deciding the reading order, and they all worked hard to read the story. They were all very happy with the reading. We look forward to our next visits to the preschool!


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Today's lunch, milk, a broccoli and cauliflower sauté, blue grenadier fried with almonds, barley and rice, and a seaweed soup

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このページは、口之島小中学校が2021年1月26日 15:02に書いた記事です。

ひとつ前の記事は「小中合同音楽練習 (January 25, 2021)」です。

次の記事は「全校朝会(January 27th)」です。



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