① インターネットで海外と交流
後期課程8年生は,インターネットを使いニュージーランドのShirley Boys High Schoolの日本語学科の生徒23人と英語で交流を行いました。交流では,8年生が中之島の紹介や,日本に来た際のマナーなどを英語で発表しました。ニュージーランドの高校生からは,島の生活のことや島に生息する動物についての質問がありました。また,その他にも日本のマンガやアニメなど共通の趣味についても話すことができ,良い時間となりました。
今回の企画に御協力いただいたShirley Boys High Schoolの先生を始め生徒のみなさん,ありがとうございました。また,次回交流できることを楽しみにしております。
① Online Exchange with New Zealand Students
Our eighth-grade students had an English exchange with twenty-three students from Shirley Boys High School's Japanese Department in New Zealand via Zoom. Our students gave a presentation about Nakanoshima Island and etiquette in Japan. The New Zealand students asked them about living on the island and the local wildlife. They enjoyed talking with the New Zealand students about their shared interest in Japanese manga and anime.
We would like to thank all the teachers and students from Shirley Boys High School who helped make this exchange possible, and we look forward to collaborating with you all again soon.
② 十島村7島英語交流会
② Seven Islands English Exchange
On December 5th all seven schools in Toshima Village participated in an English Exchange via TV Session. Students used their own tablets to participate in a game online. The ALTs from each island put a quiz together for the students, which had questions about the ALTs' home countries and English phrases from the 2nd Semester. It was a good opportunity for students from different grades and islands to come together and study English.